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Hooray for the Indoor Markets!

I hope that all of you are enjoying your summer! I just got back from a fabulous vacation where I went kayaking for the first time! I was pretty terrified, but I got used to it and really enjoyed myself. I think this could be the start of a beautiful relationship with the outdoors!

Speaking of outdoor vs. indoor, as you all know, I said that I was going to take the summer off from doing markets this year. I love the markets, but I'm in Florida, and we're still preheating down here. It's awfully hard to keep soy candles cool when it's 95 degrees outside and 1000% humidity. I'm joking, but not really. Sometimes, the "feels like" temperature is well over 100 degrees! Just when I was about to give up on the summertime, my marketing company (Community Markets and Events), started a new market! This is the Pasco Market, which is going to be held the second Sunday of every month starting on July 10th! This will actually be both an indoor and outdoor event, and will even have food trucks! I'm so excited to be able to continue attending markets throughout the summer! Come on down and check us out!

I'm also working on some new ideas for Fall. I know that it's not even July 4th yet, but I love Fall most of all! I'll update soon with some new products, and more chances to catch Gorgeous Casa in person!

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